Call for Nominations for 2020 Awards & Recognition

Museums Alaska invites nominations for four awards  and recognition to be given out at this year’s Annual Meeting, September 25th. The deadline to submit a nomination is August 31st, 2020.

Nominations may be submitted for:


Nominations for the Award for Excellence may be made for exceptional exhibits, collections care, planning, marketing, publications, significant improvements to physical plant, conservation, etc. To nominate an individual, museum or program, write a description explaining who or what you are nominating, how many people it affected, what contribution was made to the museum field, and any other significant details.


Nominations for the Volunteer of the Year Award acknowledge the crucial roles volunteers perform in our museum communities. Help us celebrate their importance to our success by nominating any volunteer, whether docent, a community supporter, or a member of your Board of Directors. They do not need to be members of Museums Alaska. Please nominate your volunteer by describing the tasks this volunteer performs, what the hourly time commitment has been, and how long this volunteer has been contributing. Describe contributions to other organizations if they are significant to cultural heritage.


Nominations for the President’s Award in Honor of Lifetime Achievement recognize the contributions of an individual over a career. Help us celebrate their contributions by nominating an individual who is departing the field, from all sectors of the field. They do not need to be members of Museums Alaska. Please describe your nominee’s work over the years, their impact on an institution or community, and the legacy they leave behind. Describe contributions to other organizations if they are significant to cultural heritage.

MUSEUM CHAMPION – *New this year*

Nominations for Museum Champion may be submitted to recognize any museum donor, funder, or contributor for outstanding support of museums in Alaska, in funding or in in-kind support. Help us celebrate the support museums receive each year. Nominations may be for individuals, foundations, corporations, cities, or other supporting entities. They do not need to be members of Museums Alaska. Please submit a nomination by describing the impact to the field.

Submit a nomination using this form.

Find the full list of past awards here.