Grant panel service

Join a grant panel to learn more about our grants and provide funding recommendations.

Grant Panel Service

What is grant panel service?

Grant Panel Overview:

The Museums Alaska panels guide our grant awards. Each panel has five passionate volunteers representing diverse regions and interests, who review the applications and make recommendations for funding.

Benefits of Service:

Panel members enjoy a myriad of opportunities, like networking with fellow professionals to supporting Alaska’s museums and cultural centers.

Participation on the panels foster leadership skills, offers insights into our grant process, and allows members to apply their unique skill sets where they matter most.

Panel Participation Requirements:

How to Join:

Grant Panels (more information below):

Shape the Future

If you're looking for other ways to participate, consider full board service or committee opportunities.

Let's shape the future together!


Alaska Art Fund Panel

A fund for Museums to Purchase art from living artists

Review and score applications to the Alaska Art Fund, determine award amounts, and contribute to the improvement of the grant application process.

Collections Management Panel

A fund for caring for and sharing collections

Review applications to the Collections Management Fund, determine award amounts, and contribute to the improvement of the grant application process.

Access to Alaska Native Collections Panel

A fund for Alaska Native Artists to visit collections

Review applications to the Access to Alaska Native Collections grant program, determine award amounts, and contribute to the improvement of the grant application process.

Conference Scholarships Panel

A fund for scholarships to our conference

Review applications to the Conference Scholarship Fund, determine award amounts, and contribute to the improvement of the grant application process.