Board Service

Shape the future, influence change, and leave a legacy – join the Museum Alaska Board!

Joining the board allows you to benefit from many exciting opportunities!

Board Service Details

What is board service?

Board Overview:

The Museums Alaska board is the driving force behind our statewide professional organization. Nine passionate volunteers representing diverse regions and interests, set the vision and policies that propel our mission forward.

Benefits of Service:

Board members enjoy a myriad of opportunities, like networking with fellow professionals to supporting Alaska’s museums and cultural centers.

Participation on the board fosters leadership skills, offers insights into non-profit management, and allows members to apply their unique skill sets where they matter most.

Whether leading advocacy efforts, assisting with programming, or stewarding financial health, board members play a crucial role in shaping Museums Alaska.

Board Participation Requirements:

Eligibility and Terms:

Nomination Procedure:

Diversifying Board Voices:

Museums Alaska is actively seeking fresh perspectives for its Board of Directors, particularly encouraging nominations from:

Committees & Panels

If full board service is too much of a time commitment, explore committee opportunities and grant panels.

Let's shape the future together!

Nominations, Voting, & Results


Deadline for Nominations: August 9, 2024

We want your voice to be heard! Nominate yourself or a deserving colleague by filling out our form.

You can also send your nomination directly to Museums Alaska Director at di******@mu***********.org or mail it to Museums Alaska, 625 C St, Anchorage, AK 99501.


Get Ready to Vote: August 19, 2024 - September 20, 2024

lf you are a member, a slate of candidates will be sent to your inbox on the first day of voting. Cast your electronic ballot by the voting deadline.

Please note that paper ballots won’t be distributed, but if you prefer, print and mail your ballot to Museums Alaska, 625 C St, Anchorage, AK 99501.

Announcement of New Board Members

Attend our Annual Business Meeting

Be a part of the excitement as we reveal the newly elected board members at our Annual Business Meeting in September. 

In even years, the Annual Meeting is in-person and streamed during the conference. In non-conference (odd) years, the Annual Meeting is streamed.

All active members will receive an electronic invitation to attend.