2022 – Randall Lamb and Carvel Glenn – Museum Champion

This year’s Museum Champion award went to Randall Lamb and Carvel Glenn—two amazing supporters from Texas who visited Alaska on a cruise. When they stopped in Sitka, they were so inspired by their visit to the Sheldon Jackson Museum that they not only gave several generous gifts over the years, but in 2021, they also challenged the Friends of the Museum to match their latest donation.

Through their encouragement, the Friends of the Sheldon Jackson Museum was able to raise almost $25,000 to match their generosity last year—building their donor base and growing their fundraising skills in the process.

Museums Alaska presented the award to Randall Lamb and Carvel Glenn virtually during the conference. It was such a delight to see Randall and Carvel streaming in from Texas and to hear the story of how they fell in love with the museum and built such a wonderful relationship with the Friends of the Sheldon Jackson Museum. We should all be so lucky to have such amazing supporters who push us to grow.

We were saddened to learn that a few days later, Carvel Glenn passed away. Our thoughts are with Randall and Carvel’s family and loved ones.