Our latest news!

Stay in the know about major developments, initiatives, announcements, and milestones within our organization.


We are happy to announce our first round of Alaska Art Fund (AAF) and Collections Management Fund (CMF) grantees! In this round, we are awarding $123,625.31 to eleven organizations across Alaska. A huge thank you to Rasmuson Foundation for renewing their support over the next three years for…

We are happy to announce our second round of Art Acquisition Fund (AAF) and Collections Management Fund (CMF) grantees! In this round, we are awarding $140,835 to thirteen organizations across Alaska. As always, we want to thank Rasmuson Foundation for their generous support for these two grant programs. We also…

Museums Alaska and the Alaska museum community stand in support of the Alaska Jewish Museum and its mission to provide a home for Jewish history, art, and culture in Alaska.  We are deeply disturbed by the recent attacks of antisemitic vandalism that the Alaska Jewish…

Every year at our annual conference, we recognize individuals who have gone above and beyond in their dedication to museums. This year we are honoring four amazing individuals who have dedicated time, money, and their passion for teaching to improve museums across Alaska. Award for…

We’re excited to announce our first round of Art Acquisition Fund (AAF) and Collections Management Fund (CMF) grantees! For this round, we are awarding $196,527.10 to fourteen organizations across Alaska. As always, we want to thank Rasmuson Foundation for their generous support for these two grant programs. We…

Dear Friends and Colleagues, Museums Alaska is excited to announce that it will be holding its 2021 Annual Meeting from September 13-14 & 20-21 as a virtual conference via Zoom (#MA2021). The theme of this year’s conference is Sustainability: Adaptation and Resilience of Alaska Museums. The conference team is hard at work planning…

Recently, Museums Alaska has been having conversations with our brothers and sisters at the Hawai’i Museums Association in regards to the issues we face concerning cultural heritage management, limited resources and teh affects of COVID-19 on our industry.  In an effort to address some of…

Museums Alaska has hired Dixie Clough as its Director. Clough will serve as the lead  administrator for the statewide organization that works to strengthen museums and cultural  centers throughout Alaska. She will manage Museums Alaska’s substantial grant program,  oversee the organization’s programming and communications, and…