Donate now!

At Museums Alaska, we're not just helping museums preserve extraordinary history, art, and culture — we're transforming our industry.

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Why donate?

We are a nonprofit supporting other nonprofits. We keep our membership fees low to ensure every museum and cultural center in Alaska can afford to access our resources.

Our membership dues cover less than $10,000 of our operating costs. We rely on donations, sponsorships, and grants to meet our mission.

Donations help us provide high quality, impactful professional development, advocacy, and grant opportunities.

Your donation will allow us to develop new programs of service and enhance existing ones!

Our membership forms are hosted on Salesforce and all payments are processed through Stripe.

You can also send a check made out to Museums Alaska at 625 C St, Anchorage, AK 99501.

Let us know if you have any questions or difficulties.

Ways to give

Ways to give: Support the field

Join us in supporting the museum and cultural centers of Alaska.

Contribute to our General Fund
Provide essential funding. Support year-round services, conferences, advocacy, and educational initiatives.
Give to our Investment Fund
Make a lasting impact. Contribute to our investment fund, and support our continued growth.
Donate to our Scholarship Fund
Get specific. Support scholarships for members to attend the Annual Conference.
Create a Facebook Fundraiser
Ask your friends. Create a Facebook fundraiser and set your own goal—inviting friends and family to contribute.
Donate the Alaskan way. Designate Museums Alaska as a beneficiary of your PFD.
Fred Meyer Community Rewards
Support while you shop. Choose Museums Alaska and make a difference with every purchase.