Committee service

Museums Alaska invites enthusiastic members to join our committees.

Committee Service

What is committee service?

Committee Service Overview:

The Museums Alaska committees plan and do the work to serve the field and grow the organization. Dedicated volunteers set the goals and perform tasks that propel our mission forward.

Benefits of Service:

Committee members enjoy a myriad of opportunities, like networking with fellow professionals to supporting Alaska’s museums and cultural centers.

Participation on committees fosters leadership skills, offers insights into non-profit management, and allows members to apply their unique skill sets where they matter most.

Whether leading advocacy efforts, assisting with programming, or stewarding financial health, committee members play a crucial role in shaping Museums Alaska.

Participation Requirements:

How to Join:

Committees (more info below):

Shape the Future

Want to participate in a different way? Consider full board service or serving on a grant panel.

Let's shape the future together!


Finance Committee

Keep US On Track

Review Museums Alaska’s finances and plan our annual budget.

FUNd Development Committee


Strategize and employ fundraising methods, including developing donor relationships, and donor recognition.

Programming Committee

Plan our Programming

Develop and help manage professional development programs, including our conference, webinars, cohorts, and networking events, both online and in-person.

Advocacy Committee

Champion the cause

Assist in setting priorities and support advocacy through information and resources to empower our membership to advocate at local, state, and national levels.

Membership & Communications Committee

SPread the News

Grow member resources, set communications policies, connect with members to build stronger connections.

Board Development Committee

LEAd the Board

Plan board retreats and training, recruits board nominees, plans board orientation.